A Letter from Shreya Kalarikkal, the MANOFA Youth 2023 President
Hi everyone!
As the President of MANOFA Youth last year, I’ve gotten to lead and be a part of some
amazing activities, projects, and events.
First, I’d like to say thank you so much to the MANOFA Executive Committee and the
parents who make MANOFA Youth possible. And thank you to our awesome Youth Directors.
My mom, Nisha Praveen, as well as Shameema Aunty, Almas Aunty, and Celin Aunty. All of you
did so much behind the scene to make our activities and projects possible!
We did great things this year. Starting strong with our Youth Bake Sale in February. We
made advertising posters and a ton of baked goods to sell. We ended up making around $400
to use for our projects throughout the year.
Then we had our Skit during Vishu, which was a lot of fun. I’ve directed a few skits in
MANOFA with my sister, but this was our first onstage production, and it involved a lot more
chaos and a lot more laughter and planning as well. We also volunteered at the Vishu event to
do backstage work and food serving.
Then we had our graduation party for our seniors. We had decorations,
commemorative speeches, recognition, and cake to celebrate the 2023 graduating class and
their accomplishments.
We worked a lot to help the Port in a Storm homeless shelter this year, and the first
way we did that was through a backpack and food drive. We collected school supplies and
packed them into backpacks for underprivileged kids at the homeless shelter to use, and we
also held a canned food drive.
Another interesting activity that we had was an interactive session with Dr. Mohit
Chauhan where we discussed different aspects of mental health with the kids’ and the
parents’ perspectives. I can honestly say I’ve never had an experience like that before.
At the Onam Program and the Food Festival, we kept up our streak of volunteering,
and I also spoke onstage at Onam with Elsa and Shankar to recap our projects. At the Food
Festival, apart from all the delicious food, we also had a henna stand where we raised
additional money for donations.
We supported Port in a Storm further by making and packaging sandwiches and by
making no-sew blankets at one of our monthly youth meetings. And then, we had our holiday
party, with food, and gift exchanges, and lots of fun.
Overall, my main message is this: MANOFA Youth is an incredible experience and a
wonderful opportunity to help the community and have fun. I highly encourage all the kids to
participate in the projects, activities, and meetings. It’s worth it, I promise!
Best Wishes,
Shreya Kalarikkal
MANOFA Youth 2023 President
Hi everyone!
As the President of MANOFA Youth last year, I’ve gotten to lead and be a part of some
amazing activities, projects, and events.
First, I’d like to say thank you so much to the MANOFA Executive Committee and the
parents who make MANOFA Youth possible. And thank you to our awesome Youth Directors.
My mom, Nisha Praveen, as well as Shameema Aunty, Almas Aunty, and Celin Aunty. All of you
did so much behind the scene to make our activities and projects possible!
We did great things this year. Starting strong with our Youth Bake Sale in February. We
made advertising posters and a ton of baked goods to sell. We ended up making around $400
to use for our projects throughout the year.
Then we had our Skit during Vishu, which was a lot of fun. I’ve directed a few skits in
MANOFA with my sister, but this was our first onstage production, and it involved a lot more
chaos and a lot more laughter and planning as well. We also volunteered at the Vishu event to
do backstage work and food serving.
Then we had our graduation party for our seniors. We had decorations,
commemorative speeches, recognition, and cake to celebrate the 2023 graduating class and
their accomplishments.
We worked a lot to help the Port in a Storm homeless shelter this year, and the first
way we did that was through a backpack and food drive. We collected school supplies and
packed them into backpacks for underprivileged kids at the homeless shelter to use, and we
also held a canned food drive.
Another interesting activity that we had was an interactive session with Dr. Mohit
Chauhan where we discussed different aspects of mental health with the kids’ and the
parents’ perspectives. I can honestly say I’ve never had an experience like that before.
At the Onam Program and the Food Festival, we kept up our streak of volunteering,
and I also spoke onstage at Onam with Elsa and Shankar to recap our projects. At the Food
Festival, apart from all the delicious food, we also had a henna stand where we raised
additional money for donations.
We supported Port in a Storm further by making and packaging sandwiches and by
making no-sew blankets at one of our monthly youth meetings. And then, we had our holiday
party, with food, and gift exchanges, and lots of fun.
Overall, my main message is this: MANOFA Youth is an incredible experience and a
wonderful opportunity to help the community and have fun. I highly encourage all the kids to
participate in the projects, activities, and meetings. It’s worth it, I promise!
Best Wishes,
Shreya Kalarikkal
MANOFA Youth 2023 President
A Letter from Nisha Praveen, the Manofa Youth Director - 2023
Manofa Youth 2023
Hello, This is Nisha Praveen. I have been a Manofa member for quite some time and when
Manofa President Indu asked me to serve as a Youth Director I was a little hesitant but I thought I
should give it a try this time. My friends Vijee, Reshma, and Indu backed me saying I should do it and
encouraged me. And so, I became one of the Manofa youth director.
I got the opportunity to work with my lovely partners Shammema, Almas, and Celin. Its been
wonderful to get to know them and work together with them. They are wonderful people and so
supportive and loving friends. I can call them anytime and ask for any help or suggestions they are
always there for the team. I had a great experience working with them.
Throughout the year I get to know about awesome youth kids, their parents and their love and support.
We started our 2023 year with the blast with around 40+ youth kids showed up for our first
meeting. Continued with Bake Sale, and Youth did a great job bringing baked/cooked foods and selling
them. Youth Kids collected a good amount of money which we used for the Youth Holiday party and
spend the rest of the money to charity. Its an awesome way to teach our kids to give back to the
community we live together and have the empathy towards each other.
For the Youth Development we conducted Mental Health Seminars, Vystar Financial, Skit
program, Debate and Discussions, Senior graduation, Volunteering hours .
On the metal health seminar doctor had discussion with youth on Mental health, Stress management,
Drugs disadvantage/misuse etc. Vystar Financial gave an opportunity to youth on learning the basics on
Financial management etc.
Also, this year we had awesome skit performed by youth kids. Youth President (Shreya) and Art
Director (Sanjana) helped and worked with youth kids on writing Skit and implementing.
We had great discussion on our meeting and brainstormed on topics. We conducted senior graduation
and wished them best wishes on their future en devours. Also provided Volunteering hours to the kids
which they can use in their high school year and its good opportunity for youth spending time in our
Youth team conducted Charity and did backpack/Can Drives. We gave all the collected things to
the Port in the Storm Charity organization. Also, Youth did food as a team and served.
We would like to express our big appreciation to Manofa President (Indu), Vice-President (Sunita),
Secretary (Simble), Treasury (Ajith), and all other Manofa team members on their support and help
towards all this.
Its been great experience for me as well. Thank you all for all the love and support!
Regards and All the very best for the Youth kids !!
Nisha Praveen
Manofa Youth Director - 2023
Manofa Youth 2023
Hello, This is Nisha Praveen. I have been a Manofa member for quite some time and when
Manofa President Indu asked me to serve as a Youth Director I was a little hesitant but I thought I
should give it a try this time. My friends Vijee, Reshma, and Indu backed me saying I should do it and
encouraged me. And so, I became one of the Manofa youth director.
I got the opportunity to work with my lovely partners Shammema, Almas, and Celin. Its been
wonderful to get to know them and work together with them. They are wonderful people and so
supportive and loving friends. I can call them anytime and ask for any help or suggestions they are
always there for the team. I had a great experience working with them.
Throughout the year I get to know about awesome youth kids, their parents and their love and support.
We started our 2023 year with the blast with around 40+ youth kids showed up for our first
meeting. Continued with Bake Sale, and Youth did a great job bringing baked/cooked foods and selling
them. Youth Kids collected a good amount of money which we used for the Youth Holiday party and
spend the rest of the money to charity. Its an awesome way to teach our kids to give back to the
community we live together and have the empathy towards each other.
For the Youth Development we conducted Mental Health Seminars, Vystar Financial, Skit
program, Debate and Discussions, Senior graduation, Volunteering hours .
On the metal health seminar doctor had discussion with youth on Mental health, Stress management,
Drugs disadvantage/misuse etc. Vystar Financial gave an opportunity to youth on learning the basics on
Financial management etc.
Also, this year we had awesome skit performed by youth kids. Youth President (Shreya) and Art
Director (Sanjana) helped and worked with youth kids on writing Skit and implementing.
We had great discussion on our meeting and brainstormed on topics. We conducted senior graduation
and wished them best wishes on their future en devours. Also provided Volunteering hours to the kids
which they can use in their high school year and its good opportunity for youth spending time in our
Youth team conducted Charity and did backpack/Can Drives. We gave all the collected things to
the Port in the Storm Charity organization. Also, Youth did food as a team and served.
We would like to express our big appreciation to Manofa President (Indu), Vice-President (Sunita),
Secretary (Simble), Treasury (Ajith), and all other Manofa team members on their support and help
towards all this.
Its been great experience for me as well. Thank you all for all the love and support!
Regards and All the very best for the Youth kids !!
Nisha Praveen
Manofa Youth Director - 2023